Worldwide & National Celtic Links
Under construction - Kernow parts are well populated but incomplete
Multi-national and General Celtic websites
Click links above to reach appropriate nation section
Some organisations may not show a website address. These may now be defunct or have changed their website address. This will be an ongoing piece of work adding and updating Celtic sites. If anybody has recent updated information to include or amend website addresses please forward to: associationcornishheritage@gmail.com
Kernow / Cornwall:
Based in Kernow
- Agan Tavas: www.agantavas.com
- Bewnans Kernow: (includes Cornish Heritage in Penzance) www.bewnsnskernow.org
- Cornish National Music Archive: www.cornishnationalmusicarchive.co.uk
- Cornish Story: www.cornishstory.com
- Federation of Old Cornwall Societies: www.kernowgoth.org
- Institute of Cornish Studies: www.exeter.ac.uk/research/centres/ics
- Gorsedh Kernow: www.gorsedhkernow.org.uk
- Konsel Kernow(Cornwall Council): www.cornwall.gov.uk
- Kowethas Ertach Kernow: www.cornwallheritage.com
- Kowethas an yeth Kernewek: (Cornish language fellowship): www.cornish-language.org
- Kresen Kernow: www.kresenkernow.org (formerly Cornwall Record Office)
- Mebyon Kernow: www.mebyonkernow.org
- Cornwall 24 net: www.cornwall24.net (Independent worldwide pro-Cornish e-Magazine
A larger list appears on the Kowethas Ertach Kernow website at: www.cornwallheritage.com/cornwall-heritage-organisations/
Based Elsewhere
- London Cornish Society: www.londoncornish.co.uk
- Cornish Association of Queensland:
- Cornish Association of Victoria: www.cornishvic.org.au
- The Cornish Association of Western Australia:
- The Cornish Association of South Australia: www.cornishsa.org.au
- Cornish Association of New South Wales: www.celticcouncil.org.au/cornish/nsw.htm
- The Cornish American Heritage Society www.cousinjack.org
- Pacific Northwest Cornish Society www.nwcornishsociety.com
- The Pennsylvania Cornwall Association www.pacornish.org
- California Cornish Cousins www.califcornishcousins.org
- Southwest Wisconsin Cornish Society: www.cornishfest.org
- The Cornish Society of Greater Milwaukee:http://milwaukeecornish.homestead.com/
- The Cornish Connection of Lower Michigan:
- Toronto Cornish Association www.torontocornishassociation.org

Alba / Scotland:
- Celtic Congress - Scotland: www.celticcongressscotland.org
The Scottish and Irish Society of the Black Hills:

Mannin / Isle of Man:

Multi-National & General Celtic websites:
- The Celtic Council of Australia - Queensland (CCAQ): https://www.ccaq.org.au/home
- The Celtic Council of Australia: https://www.celticcouncil.org.au/
- Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society (NACHS): www.nachs.info
- The Celtic League: www.celticleague.net
- Transceltic: www.transceltic.com
- International Celtic Congress: www.internationalcelticcongress.org/en